Few words about the motivations of our
women members from Eastern Europe

Women from Eastern Europe who belong to the MCM-AMB international agency have, of course, done this step because they wish to make or remake their life.

They feel very lonely and want to put an end to this bad position in which they are. They are really motivated for having a new beginning. They want to built a serious relation based on confidence, respect and love.

They receive a great help from us and are not deceived because we propose them many contacts (generally French men).

When, after a correspondence period and one or two meetings, a woman decides to move to a man in France (or another country), she does it because she esteems this man, she loves him and she is ready to share all good and less good moments of life with him.

As for us, we have a great esteem and respect for these women and we highly respect them, whatever their nationality and whatever their standard of living.


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